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- Location
- Infrastructure
- Benefits

• Established right in the heart of the South Pantanal, in the city of Miranda
Prefeitura municipal e Igreja matriz (construída em 1931)
, in the middle of the Pantanal, in South Mato Grosso, Brazil, halfway between Campo Grande (the capital of the State) and Corumbá (in the border with Bolivia) and near Bonito and Bodoquena, famous for their crystal water rives, waterfalls and caverns.

• Besides much comfort and very personalized service, our Tour Operator structure is able to provide reception services, transfers, and prepare the best packages for all the preferences, as trips to traditional pantanalian farms, ecological and rural tourism programs, visit to archeological sites and many other unforgettable tours.

• The Águas do Pantanal Inn**** is mentioned in some of the most important national and international tour guides, as the South America Brazil Handbook (USA), Brazil Handbook - Footprint (USA), Lonely Planet South America Handbook (USA), Trotter Brazilë - Van Reizigers/Voor Reizigers - Lannoo (Holland), Reise Know-How Brasilen (Germany), Let's Go (England), Routard (France), Guia 4 Rodas (Brazil), Guia Phillips (Brazil), Guia Brasil Unicard/Unibanco (Brasil), Revista da Bancorbras, Coorbrastur, Montreal e RDC Férias - Clubes do Brasil Convênios, among others.

• Because of its strategic location, it gives the tourist the opportunity to visit the South Pantanal and Bonito in only one trip. Besides all charm, comfort and authenticity, our guests can still count on a series of services and comforts that result great economy of time and money.